A model of habitat suitability for Krueper’s Nuthatch Sitta krueperi

ALBAYRAK T., ERDOGAN A., ZIYA FIRATA M. Z. 2011. A model of habitat suitability for Krueper’s Nuthatch Sitta krueperi. Bird Study, 58: 50–56.

Capsule - The presence of Krueper’s Nuthatches can be predicted by variables describing topography, vegetation structure and tree species, and knowledge of these can be used to determine sites for conservation action.
Aim - To analyse the relationships between habitat suitability, as characterized by the presence or absence of Krueper’s Nuthatches, and different predictor variables of forest and landscape diversity by building a logistic regression model.
Methods - We investigated the influence of 11 environmental variables on the occurrence of Krueper’s Nuthatches. Logistic regression, a particular case of GLM with binomial error distribution, was used to identify vegetation and topographical variables that provide an explanation for the presence/absence of Krueper’s Nuthatches in the study region of South Anatolia, Turkey.
Results - Tree height, and north and southeast directions of slope were positively correlated with the probability of occurrence of Krueper’s Nuthatches. Altitude, the presence of Red Pine and Syrian Fir trees, the presence/absence of bushes, and southwest direction of slope were all negatively associated with the occurrence of Krueper’s Nuthatches.
Conclusion - The constructed habitat model could be used to predict locations suitable for the creation of reservoirs for the conservation of Krueper’s Nuthatches in this region of southern Turkey.