Is social orgnaization in winter determined by short- or long-term benefits? A case study on migrant Red-breasted Nuthatches Sitta canadensis

Matthysen E., Cimprich D., Grubb Jr. T. C. (1992). Is social orgnaization in winter determined by short- or long-term benefits? A case study on migrant Red-breasted Nuthatches Sitta canadensis. Ornis Scnadinavia 23: 43-48.

We studied home ranges and sociality of Red-breasted Nuthatches wintering in two central Ohio woodlots. Using data on social coherence and home range overlap we identified different groups of one to three individuals, including solitary males and females and one male-male pair. We found no evidence for territory defence. We suggest that the difference in winter social organization between this species and its sedentary congeners can be explained by the absence of long-term benefits of social behaviour.