A Note on the Vocalizations of the Chinese Nuthatch

Matthysen E., Gaunt S. L. L., McCallum D. A. (1991). A Note on the Vocalizations of the Chinese Nuthatch. The Wilson Bulletin 103 (4): 706-710

Within the rather uniform genus Sitta there is a species group of four small conifer-dwelling nuthatches: Corsican Nuthatch (Sit& whiteheudi), Kabylie or Algerian Nuthatch (S. ledanti), Kruper’s Nuthatch (S. kruperi) in Asia Minor, Chinese Nuthatch (S. villosa) in eastern Asia. These nuthatches have a highly disjunct distribution in the Palearctic region. Interest in this group has been stimulated by the recent discovery of S. ledanti (Vielliard 1976). Though some comparative information is available on the three Mediterranean species concerning voice, general behavior and details of plumage (Liihrl 196 1, Ledant and Jacobs 1977, Ledant 1978, Vielliard 1978, van den Berg 1982), little is known about the Chinese Nuthatch (Liihrl 1988). This species is of particular interest as it is regarded as the most primitive member of the genus (Vielliard 1978). Here we describe vocalizations of the Chinese Nuthatch recorded in the province of Sichuan, China, and discuss the relationship with vocalizations of the Mediterranean nuthatch species.