Phylogeny of the nuthatches of the Sitta canadensis group and its evolutionary and biogeographic implications

Pasquet E. (1998). Phylogeny of the nuthatches of the Sitta canadensis group and its evolutionary and biogeographic implications. Ibis 140: 150-156.

A phylogeny of ten species of nuthatch (Sittidae), including the newly described Kabylie Nuthatch Sitta ledanti of North Africa, was constructed using a sequence of 491 bp of the cytochrome-b gene of mtDNA. On the basis of trees derived using parsimony analysis and neighbour-joining methods, and assessments of robustness based on bootstrap analysis, the following phylogenetic relationships were inferred: the five species of the Sitta canadensis group are a monophyletic group, within which S. canadensis, S. whiteheadi and S. villosa form the sister clade of S. krueperi and S. ledanti; the other relations are not so well supported. These phylogenetic relationships are congruent with morphology. Differences in behavioural and ecological characters as well as biogeographic patterns are discussed.